Meer dan 100 jaar ervaring met inspecties

As our name already implies: RVJ Cargo Inspections has a reputation to uphold when it comes to cargo inspections. What do we do? We monitor the quality of the cargo and thus guarantee the continuity of our partners. We do this with our extensive product knowledge based on years of experience, good training and our international contract knowledge. These factors, which are indispensable for a good inspection, enable us to limit risks and thus to contribute to the best interests of our client.

The process
An inspection is about objective observation and far-reaching knowledge of the product. Our inspectors are present almost continuously during the loading and unloading of inland navigation vessels, coasters and sea-going vessels and ensure that loading and unloading take place as quickly and efficiently as possible. We check the cargo for issues such as mould, odour, colour, admixture, insects, temperature, percentage of pellets/meal, etc. We check the transport equipment and discharge devices, including the discharge cranes. In addition, we take care of sampling for the Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA) and our client. The samples taken are stored in our sampling room for the period stipulated in the contract. And also during transhipment, our inspectors continuously monitor the temperature, quality and condition of (dry) bulk goods.

Collectively more than 100 years of experience
We know the market for (dry) bulk goods like no other and we know what our customers need in order to guarantee the quality of their cargo. As a team, we have over 100 years of knowledge of the goods and experience in the inspection business. We are extensively certified and conduct daily inspections according to high standards. Something that is only possible if your internal organisation is right. To keep our people sharp and the quality at a high level, daily internal checks take place. Our team is continuously coached and monitored.
We not only have a thorough knowledge of commodities (products) and contracts (National Contracts: Vernof/Nofota and International contracts: Gafta/Fosfa/FCC), but we also serve – by seeing, hearing, smelling and feeling the products – as an important sense organ of our clients.

And so we are able to limit the risks for our clients and represent their interests in the best possible way.